Contact Us

Use the form on the right to send a question or leave a comment. We look forward to hearing from you.



If you are looking for a nearby retailer, please use the “store location” link in the drop down menu to select your province and find your town. If you are unable to find a retailer, send us a message to place an order, or use the “amazon” links to purchase online.


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Link to read me page with more information.



Keep up to date with us

Location, location, location!

We have a new feature on our website. In our menu you can now find a map with all of our Canadian retailers, so you can more easily find our product near you. We hope this will be an improvement over the lengthy list which once was present.

Thank you to all our customers again for your loyal support of our company and product!

Where to buy

We have just begun a weekly post on Facebook to let all our customers know what stores across the country have ordered with us. This will ensure that a bottle of That Stuff For Pain® is always nearby!